
Alpine Adventures and Hiking Together in The Black Mountains

 At the time of writing, I am ten days away from embarking on Alpine Adventure 2024.  As you will be well aware, if you have followed my BLOGS, my wife Dione has gone through a year of breast cancer surgery and treatments and I'm glad to say, has completely bossed it and is herself now in training for a half marathon in September. Dione was diagnosed with cancer just a few weeks before I left these shores for Alpine Adventure 2023 and for this reason, amongst others, I am using this year's adventure to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support. I am just a few pounds away from my target of £1500.00 and your continued support will be gratefully received by myself, Macmillan and the many cancer sufferers they support, every second of every day. DONATE JUST A FEW £'s HERE... YOU ARE AWESOME So!  A little bit more information on Alpine Adventure 2024. We are planning to climb three, four-thousand meter peaks which will, I hope, result in us finally summitting the mighty Mont Bla

This Is NOT a Training Post

This is definitely NOT a training post! I wrote that and it was boring as ... well ...really boring things. However, there were, for me, some extremely difficult hurdles to overcome, especially in regards to the state of my knees at the outset of my 2024 quest to complete some pretty hefty ultra runs and hikes and to climb the major summits we are planning on climbing this year. For this reason, I will include a brief overview of my knee strength, stability and ROM program (at the end), in the hope that it will: Help those of you with similar knee difficulties to at least be encouraged to have a crack at improving your own joint health Encourage those of you with other medical conditions to continue to never quit exercise but to research and try anything and everything that will help prolong a healthy and active life. Inspire every one of you to never quit on something you love because "The Man" said you should. Push you to do absolutely ANYTHING to ensure you not only keep y

Where's A Magic Wand When You Need One?

 So this was it. Alpine adventure 2023 and more specifically, our ascent of Mont Blanc, was about to end and we hadn't even reached the Tete Rousse Refuge. FUCK! Ahead of me, Aaron, Samantha and Craig were forging ahead, but behind and below me by about one hundred meters, our fourth team member was really, really struggling.  And there was I, stuck in the middle. I could easily catch up with the lead three, but there was no way I was going to leave one of the guys struggling on their own behind me. I turned around and started to descend. Once I reached her, I gave her the option of turning back with me and heading to the train station. However, she was having none of that, and insisted she wanted to carry on. She should have listened to me as I already knew the outcome of this climb, but I went along with her wishes, and we continued upwards until we caught up with Sam, Craig and a very stern looking Aaron. He had the last say on whether or not we carried on and the simple truth w

These Mountains

Four generations of my family have walked these mountains. Bannau Brycheiniog (Brecon Beacons), have been a constant in my life, almost since birth. At just six months old, my father placed me on his shoulders and walked me to the top of Pen-y-fan, and I have been there at least once a year, for every one of my fifty seven years and counting. The mountains of South Wales hold precious memories of family days out with the grandparents O'Brien, Mum and Dad, my little sister Samantha and my oh so dearly missed big sister Lee. Back in the day, our family, along with the families of my dad's twin sister, Auntie Margaret and his older sister, Valerie, all lived in the same street in Culverhouse Cross. I was the only boy amongst two sisters and four cousins. Family day trips to Neuadd Reservoir were a regular occurrence for us all every summer. Enjoyed by the men and me, but I'm not so sure about the girls. I was taken on a hike of the Horseshoe, whilst my female siblings and cous

The Source of Motivation

I've   frequently , been told throughout my life, how much like my father I apparently am: 'Wow! you're like you're Dad' 'My God! You look like Mike!' 'You follow your Dad' 'Your father must be a huge influence on you' 'It must be great to have your Dad to motivate you' 'You're so lucky. You must have Karate flowing through your veins' Bla bla bla fucking blaaarrrrghhh! Of course my father has been an enormous influence on me. It's inevitable! Of course I've picked up a mannerism or two of his. It's in the genes! And of course, I've followed in his footsteps in many ways. It was expected! When you live with a man who is such a dominant figure within the home and hugely respected in his field, it is impossible not to be influenced in to trying to emulate him in some way. BUT....and this comes from a place of love... In so very many and important ways, we are extremely different people.  Let me give some quic

I Thought My Wife was going To Die

I don't know what it's like to have cancer... But I've known cancer my whole life. I don't know what it's like to have cancer...  I haven't felt the time-stopping, stomach-wrenching, sledgehammer of shock, anguish, desperation and despair that a diagnosis slams into a cancer victim's mind in the few seconds it takes for the consultant to say, "We've found abnormal cells".  In that moment, I imagine all the worst case scenarios start flooding your consciousness and positivity can seem like a ridiculous concept.  I don't know what it's like to have cancer... But I do know what it's like to find out that someone you love more than life does. I know the out-of-body, other worldliness of those words when the news is so matter-of-factly delivered. It's like you're watching a film or it's happening to someone else... 'Not us!' I don't know what it's like to have cancer... But I know how absolutely fucking useles

So... What's It All About?

I initially intended to use this BLOG as a means of journaling my Alpine Adventure 2022 and conquering the mighty Mont Blanc on my first ever trip to Chamonix. It was an amazing trip which culminated in us being ordered off Mont Blanc in a violent blizzard, which at the time, was the single, stand-out, scariest day of my life. I never got around to putting pen to paper.... or should I say 'fingers to keyboard'. Emerging From The Storm So along came Alpine Adventure 2023. This would be the year that myself and a team of like-minded people, would get to the top of that mountain. And yes! I would record it all in a super-interesting BLOG that everyone would just love and never get bored of reading. We had trained hard, we were fit and as ready as we were ever going to be. We were due to fly at the end of August and boy Oh Boy OH BOY! was I excited. Then... July 2023, Dione, my wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer.  That was.... and always will be.. the single, stand-out, scaries